Hi,,,if you are an Indonesian u must be already seen the advertisement of Samsung Galaxy Tab 7"+ recently . Yeah, the title of this posting is the key word of the gadget. "It's time to tab". It;s a very good ad, I like to see it and I wanna write about it :). I write this posting is not because I;m a kind of snobby out there, I just wanna share some tips for you the beginner of Android Tablet User, because I;m a beginner too.Let;s see some tips taken of foolishness i've done. That's why I dont write the spesification or tecnical aspect of the gadget, because you can find it anywhere and firstly you just can go to
Samsung site,right...;)
- To answer the phone u just need to slide the call
When I was in the shop, I checked everything of the tab and ofcourse I tested to call the number of my tab. But we cant answer it because how many times I touched it, no responds at all. Fool me ,,lol. If I'm fool, then the seller agent is fooler, because she didnt know either *what???!!!*. Yeaaa,,she didnt know, and we just got that simple way answering the call after I read the manual book there and her friend came.
- Be concern where you are and what service the provider can give you :P
I bought the gadget in Palembang, we can say it;s one of big city in Indonesia (hey...we just held Sea Games event last month here). So..when I check the connection, it gave me a great strong connection, I can see H or 3G symbols all day long. But when I arrived at my home, it said NO CONNECTION. At all?? It annoyed me alot, new gadget and I couldnt explore it at all. So many questions appeared, many people asked, but I'm proud I can find the answer by my self. Dont forget to check whether u choose GPRS or WCDMA on your gadget. If you just choose WCDMA while the area is only GPRS available, never hope you can get the signal.
Clue : Setting --> Mobille Network --> Network Mode --> choose the mode u want
Actually this is the same setting for common gadget include my mobille phone, yaaah, I was too fool to apply it to this tab aswell.
- Dont let your battery drop till the last bar
I forgot to charge my tab once few days after I bought it (so many troubles happened just few days after I bought yaa, yaaahh, those were the lessons for me :P). And the tab was totally dead. I charged it and it didnt come back to me. I though I should let it go and report to the Service Centre. Suddenly after 2 days charging, after my desperation, my fried tried charge it in his office and it back. Damn it..suffered my life :D. Since the day, I always check the percentage of the battery. (psstt,,it happened agein twice because of my reckless checking the battery).
- If you are not a risktaker, dont check the option for UnKnown Source
In the Setting --> Application, there is an option to allow the Unknown Source for your tablet. It lets you can accept, donwload and install applications for any source beside the official Android Market. When you check this, then no filter and no responsibility from Samsung for the loosing data or crash becaused of the app. I checked it baby ..and I lost whole data once when I installed an app which crashed the system -___-. Fortunately the tab is ok now after recovery in Samsung Center :D. If you ask me now Do I checked again the option?? Yes, I checked it again. hahaha.
In Samsung Galaxy Tab 7'+, you got some basic app in order you dont need to browse and install the basic needed such as Pollaris Office, Pulse (I dont like this app, it;s useless for me but I cant uninstall it), Adobe Flash Player, Social Hub, and also my fav one Ebook. As a bookworm, this is my fav app, you can just put the ebook file in any folder and when you open it, it;s automatically saved in the book shelf of ebook. I downloaded my fav books and there was no problem till I found djvu file for the ebook. You must download the
Ebookdroid to open it, easy and all djvu and pdf file will appear on the folder :)
My fav one "ebook" |
Yaaah, it;s so easy if I know the way from first. In fact, I had to tinkering the tab times and times till I found the key. One of my friend said I must install some driver for it, but you wont get any drivers packed in the box. You just can get the driver by download it on
Samsung official site. The driver is for sync everything. You dont need it for our modem intention, just go to Setting --> Wireless and Network --> Thethering and Portable Hotspot -->USB Thethering (tick this option). Done. Dont forget connect the USB cable before thethering.
Oopss...1 hour late to go home, I must stop typing. Other time I'll post the must installed apps on your tablet. And fyi, Android is cool. Why I bought Samsung not Ipad?? Because it much more functional for me than a brand (no hurt feeling for Ipad users, Apple is awesome but I;m a realist :)).